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Checking patient coverage is faster than ever

Check your patient's insurance coverage

You can get details about your patient’s coverage and, in many cases, their estimated cost. Just complete an eCheck (a secure, online form) to get results in minutes. If additional details are needed, you can also request a QuickCheck™, which delivers results in 4 business hours or less.a

Have questions about checking coverage? Call 1‑888‑668‑6444, 8:00 am‑8:00 pm ET, Monday-Friday.

aQuickCheck™ benefits verification can be completed within 4 hours only if all required information has been submitted accurately.

Check your patient's insurance coverage

You can get details about your patient’s coverage and, in many cases, their estimated cost. Just complete an eCheck (a secure, online form) to get results in minutes. If additional details are needed, you can also request a QuickCheck™, which delivers results in 4 business hours or less.a

Have questions about checking coverage? Call 1‑888‑668‑6444,
8:00 am-8:00 pm ET, Monday-Friday.

aQuickCheck™ benefits verification can be completed within 4 hours only if all required information has been submitted accurately.

eCheck and QuickCheck™ can verify your patient’s insurance coverage for:

Note: The eCheck form is designed to check one product at a time. QuickCheck™ is designed to check more than one product at a time.


Computer and checkmark icon

Online check for fast results

Electronically check a patient's insurance coverage in minutes. If a prior authorization (PA) is required, you’ll have an opportunity to start a PA through either CoverMyMeds® or a NovoCare® Patient Enrollment Form. 


Two people icons with arrows between them that are pointing to one another

Support from NovoCare®

To receive detailed information about your patient's insurance benefits (such as the plan's preferred medication), please complete this form. In 4 business hours or less, a NovoCare® Case Manager can verify your patient's benefits.